
Sometimes you want to do “everything, everywhere, all at once”. When that happens it’s awfully convenient if you have easy-to-use tools to execute your R code in parallel across multiple R sessions. That’s the goal of the queue package. It provides a clean interface implementing multi-worker task queues in R that doesn’t ask the user to do very much work.

Another parallel computing tool

Anyone familiar with the R ecosystem knows that there are already many good tools for this purpose. The queue package isn’t intended to be a replacement for sophisticated distributed computing tools like futureverse (not even close!). Nor is it intended as a replacement for session management tools like callr, upon on which queue is built. If you find yourself needing flexible, highly performant tools, I recommend both of those options thoroughly.

The reason queue exists is that, well, sometimes it’s nice to have an adorably simple alternative. Not everyone in the R community has the time and expertise to learn how to use fancy, but most of us have a laptop, and that laptop has a bunch of cores that we sometimes forget to use. With that in mind, queue is a deliberately simple tool with a minimum of features.

Also – and I’ll be honest, this is the real reason it exists – I wanted an excuse to make sure I really understood callr and R6 and this felt like as good a side project as any.

Basic usage

The queue package adopts an encapsulated object-oriented programming style, and uses R6 classes to manage task queues. The primary class in the package is Queue. When a new task queue is created it also initialises a new WorkerPool, a collection of R sessions in which tasks will be executed. You can set the number of workers during initialisation:

queue <- Queue$new(workers = 4)

Tasks are then pushed to the queue by calling it’s add() method. A task is a function and a list of arguments. In the example below, wait() is a function that sleeps for a specified length of time and then returns its input. We’ll queue up 10 jobs that pause for different lengths of time:

wait <- function(x) {
for(i in 1:10) {
  queue$add(wait, list(x = i/10))

We execute the tasks by calling the run() method:

out <- queue$run(message = "verbose")
#> → Done: task_1 finished in 0.157 secs
#> → Done: task_2 finished in 0.274 secs
#> → Done: task_3 finished in 0.383 secs
#> → Done: task_4 finished in 0.429 secs
#> → Done: task_5 finished in 0.547 secs
#> → Done: task_6 finished in 0.64 secs
#> → Done: task_7 finished in 0.74 secs
#> → Done: task_8 finished in 0.838 secs
#> → Done: task_9 finished in 0.939 secs
#> → Done: task_10 finished in 1.04 secs
#> ✔ Queue complete: 10 tasks done in 1.96 secs

The output is stored in a tibble that contains a fairly detailed representation of everything that happened during the execution of the queue, including time stamps, any messages printed to the R console during the execution of each function, and so on:

#> # A tibble: 10 × 17
#>    task_id worker_id state result runtime fun   args         created            
#>    <chr>       <int> <chr> <list> <drtn>  <lis> <list>       <dttm>             
#>  1 task_1       2799 done  <dbl>  0.1571… <fn>  <named list> 2025-02-09 03:14:27
#>  2 task_2       2817 done  <dbl>  0.2736… <fn>  <named list> 2025-02-09 03:14:27
#>  3 task_3       2835 done  <dbl>  0.3829… <fn>  <named list> 2025-02-09 03:14:27
#>  4 task_4       2853 done  <dbl>  0.4293… <fn>  <named list> 2025-02-09 03:14:27
#>  5 task_5       2799 done  <dbl>  0.5472… <fn>  <named list> 2025-02-09 03:14:27
#>  6 task_6       2817 done  <dbl>  0.6403… <fn>  <named list> 2025-02-09 03:14:27
#>  7 task_7       2835 done  <dbl>  0.7403… <fn>  <named list> 2025-02-09 03:14:27
#>  8 task_8       2853 done  <dbl>  0.8378… <fn>  <named list> 2025-02-09 03:14:27
#>  9 task_9       2799 done  <dbl>  0.9394… <fn>  <named list> 2025-02-09 03:14:27
#> 10 task_10      2817 done  <dbl>  1.0393… <fn>  <named list> 2025-02-09 03:14:27
#> # ℹ 9 more variables: queued <dttm>, assigned <dttm>, started <dttm>,
#> #   finished <dttm>, code <int>, message <chr>, stdout <list>, stderr <list>,
#> #   error <list>

The results of the function call are always stored in a list column called result because in general there’s no guarantee that an arbitrary collection of tasks will return results that are consistent with each other, but in this case they are, so we can check the results like this:

#>  [1] 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

By default, all the worker sessions are shutdown when the queue completes, so the user doesn’t have to take care of that, but you can override this and reuse a single WorkerPool across more than one Queue if you want. See the classs documentation for details.

Implementation detail

From the user point of view Queue objects are the most useful part of the package, but internally most of the work is devolved to other classes. Specifically, the package is built on top of two abstractions: Task objects provide the storage class: they hold a function, its arguments, its output, and a variety of other metadata. The Worker class provides the representation of an external R session and the ability to execute and manage a Task using that session. Internally, the Worker class relies on callr::r_session.

To allow a Queue to execute multiple jobs in parallel, there are two additional classes provided by the queue package: a TaskList object is a container that holds multiple Task objects and has some methods for working with them, and similarly a WorkerPool is a container for multiple Worker objects with tools for working with those. A Queue is associated with a WorkerPool and a TaskList, and has methods that will return each of these, should you ever have a need to play around with the internal data structures.

Crash resistance

The queue package isn’t very sophisticated in detecting sessions that have crashed, but it does have some. For simplicity, let’s define a function that is guaranteed to crash the R session as soon as it is called:

crash <- function(x) .Call("abort")

Now let’s define a queue that has only two workers, but has no less than three tasks that are guaranteed to crash the worker the moment the tasks are started:

queue <- Queue$new(workers = 2)
queue$add(wait, list(x = .1))
queue$add(wait, list(x = .1))

The queue allocates task in a first-in first-out order, so the three “crash tasks” are guaranteed to be allocated before the final “wait task”. Let’s take a look at what happens when the queue runs:

#> ✔ Queue complete: 5 tasks done in 0.464 secs
#> # A tibble: 5 × 17
#>   task_id worker_id state result runtime  fun   args         created            
#>   <chr>       <int> <chr> <list> <drtn>   <lis> <list>       <dttm>             
#> 1 task_1       2927 done  <dbl>  0.16431… <fn>  <named list> 2025-02-09 03:14:30
#> 2 task_2       2945 done  <NULL> 0.10955… <fn>  <list [0]>   2025-02-09 03:14:30
#> 3 task_3       2945 done  <NULL> 0.19052… <fn>  <list [0]>   2025-02-09 03:14:30
#> 4 task_4       2927 done  <NULL> 0.19214… <fn>  <list [0]>   2025-02-09 03:14:30
#> 5 task_5       2945 done  <dbl>  0.15661… <fn>  <named list> 2025-02-09 03:14:30
#> # ℹ 9 more variables: queued <dttm>, assigned <dttm>, started <dttm>,
#> #   finished <dttm>, code <int>, message <chr>, stdout <list>, stderr <list>,
#> #   error <list>

It’s a little slower than we’d hope, but it does finish both valid tasks and returns nothing for the tasks that crashed their R sessions. What has happened in the background is that the Queue runs a simple scheduler that asks the WorkerPool to check if any of the R sessions have crashed, and initialises new Worker objects to replace them if that happens.

There is not even a pretense that any of this has been optimised, but it does work.